Saturday, August 7, 2010

Prompting hearts to make their own beating muscle

Beating heart muscle cells have for the first time been made directly from other heart cells. The breakthrough may enable damaged heart muscle to be repaired by converting the structural cells called fibroblasts into the cardiomyocytes that make the heart beat.

The route from fibroblasts to cardiomyocytes is so direct that no transitory stem cells need to be formed in the process, avoiding the extra step by which many other researchers are trying to create heart cells from patients' own cells, or from human embryonic stem cells.

"Other teams, including ours, have spent significant effort making cardiomyoctes from stem cells for regenerative purposes," says Deepak Srivastava of the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease in San Francisco.

Change of heart

Now Srivastava and his team have created mouse cardiomyocytes by exposing mouse fibroblasts to three transcription factor proteins called Gata4, Mef2c and Tbx5 that activate genes needed for the formation of embryonic heart tissue. "The fibroblasts started to convert within a few days and continued to make the transition to cardiomyocytes over several weeks, beating at about one month," Srivastava says.

The team also transplanted treated fibroblasts into the hearts of live mice, where they developed into cardiomyocytes.

Next, Srivastava's team will see if the process works on human fibroblasts. They will also hunt for ways to morph fibroblasts without having to first infect them with a virus – which is how the transcription factors were transported to the mouse fibroblasts.

Future therapy

Srivastava suggests that people with heart damage might eventually be treated with stents that release the transcription factors to stimulate the generation of cardiomyocytes from their own fibroblasts.

"The new approach is elegantly simple, to convert the non-muscular components of the heart to cardiac muscle," says Chris Mason, professor of regenerative medicine at University College London.

Mason points out that in a similar approach reported in 2008, Doug Melton and his colleagues at Harvard University showed they could change ordinary mouse pancreas cells into the beta cells that make insulin. "The direct reprogramming strategy may be the best route forward for a number of diseases where cell replacement is impractical," says Mason.

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